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Career Testing 

Struggling with career uncertainty? If you are unsure regarding career direction, or questioning the fit of your current field for you over the long term, career testing may help. Results from these tests can help you learn more about your interests, strengths, and personality style, which can bring you closer to making a decision. 

I use the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI). The SII compares your answers about your interests to those of professionals working in a variety of career fields. You may be interested to know that you have much in common with, for example, a medical researcher, a teacher, or a visual designer, and less in common with someone in a different field. The MBTI provides information about personality attributes relevant to career satisfaction, including how you direct and receive energy, take in information, make decisions, and relate to the outside world. 

A career testing package ($500) includes: 1) an introductory Zoom meeting to go over your career-related concerns and goals for testing, 2) a link to complete career tests at your convenience, and 3) a feedback session (50 minutes) to review your results. You will receive detailed printouts of those results to reference at your convenience as you contemplate any next steps. 

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